Symposium Agenda

Agenda / Schedule

  • Thursday March 6:

    • Medical Laboratory Assistants - Valuable Assets to the Healthcare System - Dr. Romina Reyes

    • Newborn Screening in BC - Daisy Baulcomb

    • Why? #1: Why do air bubbles show up in the butterfly tubing as you are drawing the blood even though the needle is in the vein, no air is leaking in where the needle enters the arm, it can even be several tubes into the draw that this happens? by Dr. Richard Cleve

    • From Vein to Vein: The Vital Role of PPA in Transfusion Medicine Collections - Sarah Buchko

    • Why? #2: What is the correct number of inversions required for each filled specimen tube? by Kim Connolly

    • Difficult Draws/Difficult Patients - Venesa Sypniewski

    • Why? #3: What is Type 3 Diabetes and how does it differ from Type 1 and Type 2? What are the causes, symptoms and treatment options? by Dr. Richard Cleve

    • Fill Me Up Scotty and Beam Me Some Blood - Dr. Richard Cleve

  • Friday March 7:

  • MLA Above and Beyond Awards Cermoney

  • The impact that Lab Assistants can have on a pediatric patient and their future healthcare journey; as well as techniques to support a Patient with coping and psychological safety - Ashley Tolerton

  • Phlebotomy Ergonomics - Samual Cumming

  • Why? #4: Hand Hygiene by Dr. Richard Cleve

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of ECGs - Christina Scott

  • Baby Friendly Initiative - Andrea Singh

  • Why? #5: If the ordering clinicians submit a specimen with risk group 3 pathogens in their differentials, why are they not calling the lab in advance to minimize risk of laboratory-acquired infections? by Dr. Eugene Yeung

  • Why? #6: Why do some pathogens require only routine precautions at a patient care level but are considered to be risk group 3 in a clinical laboratory? by Dr. Eugene Yeung

  • Preanalytical Lab Errors: Interesting Cases - Rameesh Saeedi

  • Are You Smarter Than a New MLA Grad? - Kim Connolly



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