
Volunteer Opportunities with BCSLS

At BCSLS this year has started off with your Board prioritizing the projects it will be initializing from the Strategic Plan.

  • Updating our "Back to Basics" courses for Chemistry and Hematology and developing continuing education to meet the needs of our MLA members are priority projects for this year.

  • We will also be reviewing our accreditation program for MLA Education to ensure graduates from BCSLS accredited education programs have the knowledge, skills and capabilities to work effectively in today's BC laboratories.

  • Communicating relevant and timely information, and hearing from our members throughout the province is a key priority for BCSLS. Over the coming year we will be developing communication networks and utilizing more social media to stay connected with our membership, and promote the important work we do in laboratories.

  • As we continue to plan and implement these priority projects, we will be looking for volunteers to assist us. Please keep a look out for "Member Call-outs" that will identify opportunities for you to become more involved and engaged in the work of your BCSLS. The first Member Call-out is featured below.

Presenters and Educators

Do you have an idea for a topic you would like to present to your peers? Contact us and we will be pleased to connect you with our professional development team.


Mentorship Program

Our Mentorship program is created annually.

Who: Students, New Graduates, Early, Mid and 'seasoned' career laboratory professionals

The purpose of the Mentorship Program is to:

  • enable members to build networks and meaningful connections across the profession

  • assist students and new graduates to understand our professions and what its like to work as a medical laboratory professional

  • assist new and established medical laboratory professionals with achieving personal and professional goals

  • support our members growth, development and learning

  • Participation in the Mentorship Program will involve matching a mentor with a mentee based upon their common interests and goals.

  • The mentor and mentee will be matched for a year; September to September each year and will connect once per month (suggested)

  • Connections between the mentor and mentee will be through virtual platforms (Zoom or Teams) or telephone conversations - whichever technology the mentor and mentee agree works best for them.

    You can sign up to be a mentor or a mentee or both! 

    We know that life can be unpredictable, so If either the mentor or mentee are unable to fulfil their duties; BCSLS will endeavour to find a suitable replacement.

If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, Mentee, or both please contact Eleanor Hooley eleanor@bcsls.net and she will guide you to the next steps.
